Briggsy's Beach

See how sick our planet really is, thanks to us...
(bad, politically incorrect language throughout)

...and the BLOG I made which started me off.

7 minutes
to read the first 5 intro pages...
...then it gets EVEN MORE SERIOUS.

It all started with a crisp packet <<< Link here to site map, on every page
Saturday 25th, March 2006 around 7pm GMT
A driver casually tosses out an empty crisp packet as he waits at the lights.
I pull up beside him and glare but without affect.
He's not aware he's done anything wrong, he's just got his run to finish.
Why he not care? Fucking dimwit arsehole, I hope he has a crash!

(Most text underlined are NOT links, but a few are)
I mean! I just hate it when we trash the Natural World so mindlessly.
Look around a bit, watch a couple of David Attenborough documentaries - how can you not be amazed by the world we live in? In charge of too - even if it is by proxy...
The "primitive" Red Indians and the Aborigines knew what SUSTAINABLE means - why can't we? It's so fucking annoying!!!

My Theory
All business
- not just the corporations - all trying to make profit, all completely blinkered!

Money is only an abstract goal - Reproduction is the real one - we're just like the animals really!

Basically today's theory of evolution is: Survival of the Richest.

Anyway, who do you reckon will win? Business or the Environment?

Business of course, hands down!

What can we do?
Go Green
- if this country had all the wind-powered farms we could fit on Great Britain, we would have three times the electrical power we need - virtually free!


Crikey, I feel better already!
Page 2: Politicians? What's the point!